Our Team

David Franklin

Hey my name is David Franklin I’ve been a trainer for seven years now I currently started my fitness journey by losing and 85 pounds when I was 18 and ever since then I’ve been obsessed with helping people live healthier lifestyle I’d say my specialties are weight loss and muscle froths in balances in the body & recovering from injuries I enjoy helping people both physically and mental hurtles that come with starting a fitness journey. My philosophy is move in the gym so you can move out in the world

Brandyn Erickson

“ I originally started working out 7 years ago as a way to lose weight. I lost 60lbs and was immediately hooked. I found passion, creativity, and fun in training. 2 years after starting I became a trainer and made it my goal to help as many people as possible achieve their goals like I did when I started. I’ve now been a trainer for almost 6 years and just started my own business (B.E Strong Personal Training LLC) at the beginning of 2023. My main focuses as a trainer are Strength and conditioning training, boxing/kickboxing, and weight loss. Take that step and make that lifestyle change I’m here to make you a success story”

Kurtis Franklin

My name is Kurtis Franklin and I’ve been a personal trainer for 4 years. I decided to be a personal trainer after suffering from a stomach virus in 2018 which made me lose 30lbs of muscle. I wanted to use the skills and knowledge I have to help people reach their goals and dream body. 

My background in fitness comes from playing sports throughout my life and playing collegiate football. My training specialties are weight loss, bodybuilding and athletic training.

“The body achieves what the mind believes”

Diana Krasla

Ali Anderson

“ I have been in the gym for as long as I can remember. It is, what I will always consider, my first real home. When I first started going to the gym on my own I was still in middle school, the staff had known me since I was a kid so they never said anything when I went into the weight room unsupervised. I liked the gym because it provided a positive encouraging environment, it was warm, and sometimes the other members would share their food with me and give me guidance, unknowing how much it really meant to me. The gym gave me a sense of hope that prior to I had never know, that I could control my own circumstances. The work ethic it instilled in me changed the entirety of my life. Including the effort I put into my education and all other facets of my life. I realized that regardless of where I came from if I worked hard enough I could become who ever and whatever I wanted. It is one thing to be told by others that you’re capable of anything and another to be forced into effort because the only place you have to go is up. When we follow through for ourselves and accomplish each little victory it builds a special type of confidence. One that fears no obstacles or adversity because you know you are built for battle. Building character positively impacts others but the impact it will make in your own life is immeasurable. No matter where you are in life if your heart is still beating you are still in the game. If you don’t believe in yourself I will be the first to believe in you. As a natural introvert being a trainer has always pushed me out of my comfort zone but I do it because I want help people with the same change the gym allowed me. I have been in the gym so long I have a good understanding of body mechanics. I have clients with many different goals but primarily help women with body recomping so they can feel more confident and that confidence can allow them to be more bold in their lives. My favorite part about training is watching people push past the limits in their mind and surprise themselves. I believe for real physical results you have to change internally. I’m here for the people who want the best version of themselves and are ready and willing to put in the work and I would love to help you make that transition.

Emily Francisco